I did it!~

I've been learning Korean for years ago just for fun because I loves to learn languanges. But at some point, it didn't increase that much and I also know that learning Korean is not that easy ㅠㅠ. Last year, I got a change to work in Korea so I think I really need to increase my Korean proficiency. At first, I decided to took this conversation class with Jun ssaem because I think I need to be more comfortable while speaking with my co-worker. I was being helped, I really enjoy the class and I learn to speak in many various topic. After some months, I changed my goal to getting TOPIK II certificate since I needed for work. Personally, I really helped in the writing part ^^. Jun ssaem explained very well and it's easy to understand. I also like the atmosphere of the class since it was fun but still serious. Sometimes, I also asking about my difficulties in Korean languange to Jun ssaem because I can't find it everywhere (including dictionary). Then, after 2-3 months preparing for TOPIC exam...Finally, I got my TOPIC level 3. I feel so thankful and grateful having Jun ssaem as my teacher.~~


Experto de habla inglesa🍀📢
/ 50 min
/ prueba
españolB1 Pre-Intermedio
Experto de habla inglesa🍀📢
españolB1 Pre-Intermedio
👩‍🏫Polyglot - inglés/chino C2⬆, japonés B2, español B1 💙 Experiencia docente 9 años+ 💙 Estudiante de intercambio en Taiwán 1 año+ 💙 Profesor certificado (Graduado de la Universidad Nacional de Educación de Seúl) 💙 Traductor KOR -ENG para kokiri_official instagram 💙 Enseñando Coreano en Youtube (www.youtube.com/@unminam) 💙 Viajó 30 países🏃‍♂
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  • 정말 감사합니다 세인 씨 ㅜㅜ 세인 씨는 저에게 정말 특별하고 소중한 학생이었어요! 제 수업을 열심히 따라와 주셔서 정말 감사합니다😍😎 세인 씨가 열심히 해 주셨기 때문에 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다고 생각해요!! 앞으로도 한국어에 대한 흥미와 열정을 잃지 않고 즐겁게 배울 수 있도록 쌤이 계속 열심히 도와드리겠습니다!😊📚 감사합니다, 세인 씨~!🥰