My learning journey in Thai ~ 泰语不'泰'难嘛!

I first started learning Thai in 2010 after watching Thai drama <Plerng Torranong เพลิงทระนง>. I was attracted by Pii Plerng, played by Mario Maurer, who was handsome and attractive! I continued watching other Thai dramas such as <Prajan Lai Payak พระจันทร์ลายพยัคฆ์> and got to know more Thai artistes. My favourite Thai actor and actress are Mario and Aum :)

I was inspired and eager to learn Thai because I wanted to watch the dramas without having the need to read subtitles. Well, I was too ambitious back then. I bought second-hand Thai textbooks and self learnt through Youtube videos, I practiced listening to Thai music and watched more dramas. However, I felt that I could not understand Thai fully and unfortunately, I gave up learning.

Moving forward 13 years later to 2023, my work now requires me to deal with Thais and I realized the ability to speak Thai can help me greatly at work. I decided to pick up Thai language again, but not self-taught this time. Instead, I sought help from my tutor, Kruu Piroon, on Amazing Talker. After attending Kruu Piroon's lessons, I came to a realization that my method of learning 10 years ago was wrong. I had jumped into Thai as I was too ambitious to conquer the language and I did not focus on the foundation. Reading, speaking and writing are all important components to mastering a language, not forgetting the sentence structure, special vowels, tone rules and many more!

Under Kruu Piroon's patient guidance, I can now read and write Thai :) I can practice speaking Thai with Kruu without feeling embarrassed and it is in this protected environment which makes me want to learn more. I am being encouraged at every step and I am free to ask any questions I like in this private session. I am so proud of myself for starting this journey in Amazing Talker and I cannot wait to see my own improvement. Now, I have set a challenge for myself again : To watch Thai drama without subtitles! Good luck to everyone who is trying to pick up a new language, the first step is always the hardest so do not give up easily!

隔了10年再次学习泰语,很多感触。想当年学泰语时,因为过于心急要达到看泰剧不必看字幕都听得懂的程度,结果自己乱学一番,不但基础没有搞好还越学越乱。最终放弃学泰语。然而,现在因为工作上时常要与泰国人来往,让我发现到会说泰语的好处。我又重新学泰语了。可能因为这次也是真的要认真学泰语,所以在网上找了很多平台还有通过朋友推荐,最后选择了Amazing Talker的Piroon老师。不试还不知,上了体验课之后马上发现到自学和有老师教是完全不同的啊!


我现在又为我自己设了新挑战 - 看泰剧时不用看字幕。真的希望有一天可以达到那种程度,也希望在我工作上会对我有很大的帮助。朋友们,祝我早日达成吧!话说,有没有人也和我一样,喜欢泰国明星马里奥和Aum的?



🔥English for beginners expert🔥
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inglésC1 Intermedio Avanzado
🔥English for beginners expert🔥
inglésC1 Intermedio Avanzado
🎓 12+ years of teaching 🎓 🏆BA in Business English🌟 ⭐️ TESOL certified with Diploma in Teacher Education ⭐️ 🔥British and native Thai speaker living in the UK! 🇧🇷 💥From Elland, England💥 👩‍🏫 Expert in teaching English for beginners all levels! 👨‍🏫 🗣️ Conversation practice on hobbies/interests, travelling, work, lifestyle
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  • ภาษาไทยก็สนุกนะ :D